Raisins Nutrition Facts

Raisins nutrition facts are dried locker, dried fruit contains most of the benefits of fresh fruit, while earning more. In addition to fresh fruit, nuts, it is recommended that all healthcare organizations in the United States.

Grapes nutrition is very powerful with raisins nutrition facts is also very low in saturated fat, which is a useful feature for those who follow a low-fat diet who want to beautify their meals.

Grapes contain generous amounts of potassium, which has been found to maintain blood pressure and heart rate and also counteract the deleterious effects of excess sodium raisins nutrition facts.

100 grams provides 750 mg of potassium, which is equivalent to approximately 16% of the recommended daily intake (USA) raisins nutrition facts. Research has shown that potassium contributes to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease in general.

Raisins nutrition facts contain cholesterol and are very low in sodium (11 mg). Raisins are also gluten free.

Other benefits of the grape is its abundance in antioxidants and phytonutrients, such as dietary fiber. In general raisins nutrition facts, the drying process results in the loss of specific antioxidants, but this varies greatly.

Some types of grapes containing resveratrol, an antioxidant polyphenol that has anti-inflammatory anti-cancer, anti-aging and many other potential benefits, however resveratrol content is highly dependent on the drying method and the type of grape used. Grapes can become raisins nutrition facts, is being dried in the sun or not dehydrated.

A study of the University of California showed that subjects eating grapes several times (4) per day over a period of a few weeks increased plasma antioxidant capacity and decreased circulating LDL (low density lipoprotein), “bad cholesterol”. High levels of LDL cholesterol are associated with increased cardiovascular disease raisins nutrition facts.

Research has shown that sun-dried grapes containing resveratrol oxidation due to sunlight. Grapes also contain anthocyanins, another class of antioxidant polyphenols, anti allergic, anti-bacterial and the same as above. Most of the antioxidants in grapes are found in the skin, with the specific pigment (a product of anthocyanin) raisins nutrition facts, which is a good indication of some types of antioxidants found in grapes. For example, it has been found that red grapes to contain the highest amounts of resveratrol.

100 g raisins nutrition facts provide 4 g of dietary fiber.

100 g raisins provide 1.9mg, about 15% of the recommended daily iron needs.

100 g raisins contain.5 g fat.

Unlike standard fruit when stored at moderate temperature locations, raisins nutrition facts can be stored for a long time. During storage of raisins for several months, it is important to keep in airtight containers to prevent drying. The grapes are stored in the refrigerator to ensure that it can be kept relatively fresh for longer period of time.

Raisins nutrition facts are high in sugar and grape contain more carbohydrates. Containing 100 g 79 g 3 g of carbohydrates and proteins.

Raisins are a good snack for those engaged in physical activity, providing a low-fat, increase energy effective nutritional, 100 grams of raisins nutrition facts contains about 299 calories, which is more than five times the same weight grape .

Interestingly, research conducted at the University of Illinois found that grapes contain compounds such as oleanolic acid raisins nutrition facts. These compounds stop the growth in vitro of one of the main bacteria responsible for dental caries in the mouth and inhibiting the organisms associated with periodontal disease.

How the raisins nutrition facts are and what they can tell us about how to provide a balanced diet for ourselves? My blog explores the importance and desirability of a good understanding of nutrition, especially in the context of our modern world.

Source : Wikipedia

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Raisins Nutrition Facts

Via The Nutritional Facts http://nutritionalsfacts.blogspot.com/2013/08/raisins-nutrition-facts.html

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