Category: coconut oil for popcorn

Coconut Oil For Popcorn

So I test the doctor’s office my blood and gives me a sheet with a bunch of numbers. I understand and some others who have no idea. Without getting too complicated my cholesterol is low. In general most people are happy, but my HD was a little lower than I would like.
I had to see another macrobiotic guru … that’s pretty impressive. It always comes with the good things I had to share with you all.

“Fat, fat, fat. We have talked a lot of fats. Fats kill. Fats cause heart disease. Fats cause cancer.

The purpose of this article is to break the junk science that we have all been eating in the mouth and tell the truth about fats.

In 1998, the American Heart Association finally came to tell us to limit trans fat intake, the main ingredient in margarine.

Trans fats are also known as partially hydrogenated oils. They are found in all of our waste.

Two things you may not know: most of the heating oil actually starts putting oil in partially hydrogenated oil. And your store oils are already rancid.

A little coconut oil for popcorn.

Coconut oil for popcorn is one of the most stable oils you can buy. It goes rancid easily. It attacks the arteries.

In fact, coconut oil for popcorn is one of the foods Weston Price studied in his travels. He discovered that the local population considers coconut, food medicine. They found that people who regularly consumed coconut were cancer, heart disease, arthritis and diabetes.

Coconut oil for popcorn is often preferred by athletes and body builders and by those who are dieting.

The use of coconut oil for popcorn increases your metabolism. It is low in fat to help you lose weight.

Fat coconut oil for popcorn, unlike all other fats circulating in the blood is looking places to be stored. They go directly to the liver and becomes instant energy.

Distinguish between hydrogenated coconut oil (the one with the bad press) and virgin coconut oil for popcorn.

I use two types of coconut oil for popcorn, virgin and expeller pressed. Virgin has the flavor of fresh coconut works well in many foods and beverages. For cooking I use the form of expulsion, which has the same health benefits without the taste of coconut if it’s my choice to fry, or cook popcorn.

There are many coconut oils available – I use Tropical Traditions Gold Label (this is a black label with gold type) and expeller coconut oil for popcorn.

Check out the healing properties of coconut oil for popcorn:

Coconut oil for popcorn fat is called “low-fat”. Actually acts as a carbohydrate. It decomposes rapidly in the liver and used as quick energy. Not stored as other fats. It increases energy and stamina. Many athletes use in their mixed drinks. It also supports thyroid function and increases your metabolism (great if you want to lose weight).

Coconut oil for popcorn is antiviral, antifungal (kills yeast too) and antibacterial. It attacks and kills viruses that have a coating of lipids (fats) such as herpes, HIV, hepatitis C, influenza and mononucleosis. It kills the bacteria that cause pneumonia, sore throats, dental cavities, urinary tract infections, meningitis, gonorrhea, food poisoning, pneumonia and many more bacterial infections. It kills yeast infections / yeast that cause candidacies, ringworm, athlete’s foot, thrush, jock itch, diaper rash and more.

Coconut oil for popcorn improves digestion and absorption of fat soluble vitamins, minerals (especially calcium and magnesium) and amino acids. Improves the body’s use of glucose and improves insulin secretion and absorption (great for type II diabetes).

Coconut oil for popcorn helps the body heal and repair quickly. Facilitates and supports immune function, which protects us against a variety of cancers.

Coconut oil for popcorn, unlike a lot of bad press, is good for the heart. It keeps platelets from sticking together (and dangerous clots). Coconut oil can lower blood pressure.

Coconut oil for popcorn is a natural antioxidant. It protects the body against free radicals and prevents premature aging and degenerative diseases.

Finally, coconut oil for popcorn is the best massage oil on the planet. What makes your skin, you just have to testify. Forms a barrier against infections, softens and moisturizes the skin and prevents wrinkles, sagging and age spots.

Promotes healthy hair and complexion, protects against harmful UV rays coconut oil for popcorn.

I use two oils, olive oil for all uses non-thermal (in salads, etc.) and coconut oil for popcorn over everything else.

In fact, I started using coconut oil for popcorn for 10 years to my dogs after reading about it in one of my books on natural health for dogs. When I saw the dogs “thick” setting and noticed his clothes were super bright immediately started eating.

One last thing about coconut oil for popcorn for dogs (and people), deodorized, so my dogs do not smell doggy. I can use it to brush your teeth too! “

coconut oil for popcorn, coconut oil

Coconut Oil For Popcorn

Via The Nutritional Facts