Category: exercises for pregnant

Best Exercises For Pregnant Women

These days most people are aware of the importance and benefits of regular best exercises for pregnant women. It not only helps you avoid those terrible back and joint pain, but can help your breathing and help you get a job faster and less painful. It also keeps you in the right place trying to get in shape after your baby is born.

However, there are a number of best exercises for pregnant women that are not ideal for pregnant women because it can put unnecessary pressure on you and the baby. This includes anything that requires you to:

– Lie on your back – especially after the first trimester

– Hold your breath and do best exercises for pregnant women for long periods of time

– Participating in contact sports – basketball, football, etc.

– Bounce or stretch unnecessarily

– Best exercises for pregnant women undue pressure on the abdominal area

Now, before you start an exercise that always advise to talk to your doctor first and talk through the best exercises for pregnant women routines you may have in mind. They will be able to advise you on your particular case.

Once you have consulted with your doctor, you can try some of the following three best exercises for pregnant women, which can be done 3 times a week (make sure you always do a 5-10 minute warm to walk briskly or biking to get the blood flowing and prevent injury). Get ready to be a mom, as:

Step 1 / buttock lift best exercises for pregnant women

Go on your hands and knees and make sure your back is flat. Lift your right knee forward and extend the right rear leg until well. Repeat these best exercises for pregnant women 10 times with each leg, always making sure to keep your back straight.

These best exercises for pregnant women for pregnant women who work the gluteus (IE your butt), and if you’re feeling adventurous, you move your face forward in unison with the leg – right leg, left arm, left leg, right arm. (You might feel that you look a bit like Superman do :))

2 pelvic tilt /

This is also known as the cat stretch. Repeat 10 times in a controlled manner, always remembering to breathe slowly and completely to get the full benefit. These best exercises for pregnant women who go to work the lower back and abdominal.

While on your hands and knees drop abdominal muscles so that your back arches down and tighten the abdominal muscles so that your back arches slightly upward like a cat would.

3 / Wall Squats Best Exercises For Pregnant Women

The best exercises for pregnant women is ideal for the thighs, lower back and buttocks. With his shoulder-width feet and back against the wall, slowly lower until squat position (your quads almost at a right angle to the ground).

Then, under control, slowly return to the starting position. It can be done with or without a “body ball” (those big soft rubber balls that are in the gym, which is good for abdominal best exercises for pregnant women). Inhale on the way down, exhale on the way. To do this 12-15 times, depending on how you feel.

Best Exercises for Pregnant Women Bonus Tip:

All these best exercises for pregnant women can be “supercharged” by getting ankle weights or wrist and attach them to increase their efforts and the benefit to you and your baby.

No need to go through pregnancy feeling the energy of overweight, unattractive and without. There are many simple steps you can take to help you lose excess weight with best exercises for pregnant women, feel better and exercising regularly.

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Best Exercises For Pregnant Women

Via Top Fitness Exercises