Category: avoid to lose belly fat

Foods To Avoid To Lose Belly Fat

One of the most difficult goals to achieve when you are trying to lose weight are foods to avoid to lose belly fat. It is very easy to lose weight because you can use a variety of methods of brute force to force the weight down, but you can not say about your belly fat. You can lose a lot of weight and still have a stomach of a dog.

Work with your body foods to avoid to lose belly fat

This is because the stomach is the last bastion of fat storage. This is your emergency fat if famine. The body will not let go so easily. brute force techniques to train your body to panic, thinking they are facing famine. Your foods to avoid to lose belly fat body will fight tooth and nail to keep belly fat. It is for this reason that you must use smart techniques that work with your body instead make your panic and begin to stick to the tight body fat.

Diet plays an important role in weight loss that eventually becomes what he eats. Belly you use today is largely due to the food you ate yesterday. So here are some foods you should avoid to help your efforts foods to avoid to lose belly fat.

Refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates cause insulin spikes in your body. This is because refined carbohydrates release a surge of blood sugar requires more normal insulin. When excess insulin is released in the body foods to avoid to lose belly fat, which remains in the body longer and this is where the problems begin. Insulin is a fat storage hormone powerful.

In the presence of foods to avoid to lose belly fat an excess of insulin, your body becomes a fat storing machine instead of a fat burning machine.

Liquid calories

Liquid calories is any type of calories that is available in liquid form foods to avoid to lose belly fat. Could be coffee with milk or alcoholic beverages. When consumed, these drinks provide an energy flow from liquid not hard to digest. The liquid quickly swallowed. Excess energy is stored as fat in all areas of the body, including the stomach.

Processed foods to avoid to lose belly fat meats

Processed meats should be avoided because it displaces protein that is probably not the edibility foods to avoid to lose belly fat. When you eat a sausage, and egg move probably has a higher nutritional value.

Also, the foods to avoid to lose belly fat sausage is a protein of lower quality in different parts of the body side. These processed meats also have a lot of additives that can upset the delicate balance of hormones in the body.


Anyone who drinks a lot of milk will be difficult foods to avoid to lose belly fat. Milk insulin peaks and because it is a carbohydrate. Milk causes huge spikes low fat or regular insulin. Regular milk contains high levels of saturated fats. In this spirit, milk is best avoided until you have achieved your weight loss goals.


Foods to avoid to lose belly fat are preferable to refrain from alcohol until a flat stomach and toned. Even one drink of alcohol can completely alter fat burning for up to 24 hours. Alcohol also alters the hormonal balance in the body. You should reduce the frequency or stop drinking altogether to reach their goals.

Undesirable or fast foods to avoid to lose belly fat

Junk food or fast moving other healthy foods you can eat otherwise. Because you choose to eat a cookie instead of an apple, you lose the opportunity to benefit from the nutrients in the apple. Junk food and fast food are usually highly caloric density foods to avoid to lose belly fat.

The foods to avoid to lose belly fat other challenge is that your body is not able to measure very effective levels of satiety when eating these calorie dense foods. When you get the signal that you are full, you have eaten more.

Processed foods to avoid to lose belly fat

Eat foods to avoid to lose belly fat in their whole form. It is better to eat the apple juice drink or eat apple pie. The three variants containing block, but the food is processed, the lower density of nutrition and caloric density.

Choose foods carefully. Make it a habit to eliminate these unhealthy foods in your life. At the same time, you have to eat healthy foods to avoid to lose belly fat and healthy. Do not forget to exercise as it is an integral part of losing belly fat.

Foods To Avoid To Lose Belly Fat

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Via Fatlossguru