Category: dash

Dash Dietary

This system is originally designed in 1992 as a way to find the right dash dietary to fight disease increased hypertension among Americans. Today, after years of intense research by the various health institutions.

The DASH dietary promoted by the government of the United States not only for people with hypertension, but also as a model of healthy diet studies all Americans to prevent lifestyle diseases.

The script (Dash Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet promotes eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products. The plan also includes lean meat, fish, poultry, nuts and seeds that different protein sources and recommends reducing salt, sugar and fat in general.

The amount of salt in one day was 3200 mg maximum from all sources. Sugar has been limited only to no more than three teaspoons dash dietary. Alcohol consumption is limited to no more than two drinks and drinks with caffeine, such as coffee and soft drinks are limited to a total of three drinks a day.

Studies of individuals based on their DASH dietary, although not entirely vegetarian, can reduce blood pressure of 6 mm Hg systolic and 3 mm Hg diastolic in normal people. For people with hypertension, there is a decrease of 11 mm Hg and 6 mm Hg, respectively. It’s a great cut and high gain to avoid complications such as heart failure, kidney disease, heart disease and hardening of the blood arteries. Was universal to men and women 48-83 years of age.

This dash dietary is easy to follow, but beware of so-called healthy foods that actually conceal large amounts of salt, sugar and white fat. See packaging for conservatives sodium, corn syrup and saturated fats.

DASH Dietary maintains ideal weight is best to stick to the methods that promises extreme weight loss.

Dash Dietary

dash diet, Diet, dash dietary, dash

Via Healthy Diet Nutrition