Category: nutrition facts orange

Nutrition Facts Orange

Nutrition facts orange are one of the most popular citrus fruits in the world. Originally Southeast Asia, now cultivated in almost all areas enjoying warm weather appropriate. While many people prefer to enjoy all the juice of the fruit, the whole orange has the most impressive statistics of nutrition when consumed together.

While oranges can vary in size, it may take some nutritional values reexamining the contents of 100 g of fruit. In this section, there are about 50 calories and no fat at all. In addition, about 87% of the orange is water. This makes the diet very friendly nutrition facts orange. In addition, 100 grams of oranges are 12 percent carbohydrates, mainly from natural fruit sugars.

However, some of these carbohydrates also come from the fiber, and orange medium has 5 grams of this important nutrient. As the fiber is found only in the mass, however, has only nutrition facts orange juice sugar carbohydrates. Finally, oranges contain more protein than other fruit, with about 2 grams per orange.

The nutrition facts orange are mostly known for being rich in vitamin C. In fact, 100 grams of fruit can provide more than 80 percent of the recommended daily value of this nutrient.

Vitamin C is important to prevent damage to cells and is particularly associated with a lower risk of colon cancer with nutrition facts orange. It can also reduce inflammation associated with arthritis, asthma and other uncomfortable conditions.

Oranges are an excellent source of potassium, which is essential to help muscle growth and health. Nutrition facts orange has about 10% of the daily potassium needs of a person. Oranges also contain vitamin A, calcium, and even a minimal amount of iron.

Oranges are particularly powerful antioxidants because antioxidants increase feed efficiency when interacting with vitamin C. Therefore, the nutrition facts orange have been associated with the prevention of cancer and other dangerous diseases.

They are loaded with biol-flavoring, carotenes and nutrition facts orange, which are known to protect the body against cancer-fighting photochemical and heart disease.

Nutrition facts orange are also rich in vitamins, which is associated with helping lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

Other nutrition facts orange which include folic acid, potassium, and even a small percentage of calcium. Foliate is a B vitamin that is especially important for pregnant women. Meanwhile, the potassium helps muscle performance and may also neutralize excess sodium in your diet. Finally, calcium helps build strong bones and is essential for all people.

Ultimately, the oranges are one of the most common fruits and healthiest in the world of nutrition facts orange. In fact, a study in Finland found that consumption of orange cut in half their risk of heart disease.

Meanwhile, other studies have shown nutrition facts orange, with its high content of fiber and water, can suppress appetite diet for four hours at a time.

These are just some of the many nutrition facts orange, and should be included as part of a healthy diet.

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Nutrition Facts Orange

Via The Nutritional Facts