Category: whiteheads

Whiteheads Treatment

Whites are caused by the accumulation of hardened sebum in the pores of the face. Whiteheads treatment are also the result of a combination of dead skin cells and oil. They have white spots and air difficult. White usually occurs in areas of the face, especially around the nose, eyes and forehead.

Whiteheads treatment also appears in the chest and neck. Its appearance is often accompanied by acne, pimples and blackheads. In fact, the best treatment is to avoid white as soon as possible because you need to work harder to remove, if whites have already taken place.

Whiteheads Treatment

Here are some useful treatments that you can try to prevent whiteheads treatment:

un. Keep the skin clean and moisturized face.

b. Wash your face twice a day.

c. Use a moisturizer after washing your face.

d. Steam your face for a few minutes to clean your skin. You can do this once a week.

e. Keep your face clean with facial pores. Use a gentle cleanser and oil-free. You can also use a facial cleanser that contains salicylic acid. You can help unclog the pores of the face.

f. Eliminate dead skin cells with a gentle exfoliation once a week.

e. Do not touch your nose, because you can transfer bacteria and oil from your hands.

g. Never try to squeeze whiteheads treatment, it is best to consult a dermatologist.

h. Drink enough water to get rid of toxic substances from your body.

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Whiteheads Treatment

Via Acne Home remedies