Category: tea tree oil to treat acne

Tea Tree Oil To Treat Acne

Tea tree oil treat acne is not just a solution for teenagers, it is also common in adults. It is a skin disease that respects no age, sex, marital status or race. The psychological effect can be overwhelming, especially young people.

Are you tired of this acne stuff? Relax and let me share with you a natural holistic approach to become acne free just by using tea tree oil to treat acne.

Tea tree oil to treat acne is extracted from leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia in Australia and is known to contain antiseptic properties that are useful for disinfection of the skin.

Unlike other types of tea, tea tree oil for acne is steam distillation to avoid the oxidation of the sheet, thus retaining the active substance. Pure, the pure tea tree oil can be found in health stores.

Depending on the sensitivity of the skin, from 5 – 10% solution twice a day is enough. Tea tree oil to treat acne, is better benzoyl peroxide in the treatment of acne, because the later was found to have side effects on users.

Application: In my experience, some people who suffer from acne have complained about the sensitivity of your skin with tea tree oil to treat acne. I suggest you start with a very mild solution. Here are the tips:

1) Splash your face with cold water, then rinse with warm water
2) Diluting 5 of tea tree oil to treat acne, with 95 parts of water (for example, 5 ml of tea tree oil and 95 ml of water)
3) Dipping a cotton swab in the solution and gently applied to the affected area.
4) Repeat this daily (morning and evening) until we achieve significant results.

Source : Wikipedia

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Tea Tree Oil To Treat Acne

Via Acne Home remedies