Category: nordic walking technika

Nordic walking technika

His technique of Nordic Walking technika (NW) is very important to ensure you stay injury free time and get maximum results from your program benefits of health fitness.

In this article we will take a look at the various techniques that can be applied for Nordic Walking technika (NW) and give you some practical tips to put Nordic Walking technika on the road to a fitness program, healthy and injury.

When fitness walking without poles to old to use a short, short arm does not move. Due to the length of your stride with the new technique Nordic walking technika true pole oscillation is greater movement opposing arm swing when walking normal.

The nordic walking technika range of movement and posture has improved. Because the polar extremes remain behind to push most of the movement comes from a “rising shoulder more leverage. As the polar extremes in contact with the ground will push your body forward with speed and strength.

* Some of the nordic walking technika techniques recommended:

* Be well resolved: the height of his post is related to injuries, so make sure you buy the correct size when you buy Nordic walking technika poles. Buy adjustable poles for walking is good advice, as they are perfect for most beaches in height. To measure this, put your hands in the straps and rubber tips should be next to your heels.

Stand with good posture and then release the hands forward on the straps for you extends through the curves. Wrists should now be below the elbows nordic walking technika.

* Make sure you keep your head: One of the main benefits of good Nordic Walking technika technique is postural strength it gives you. When you walk try your best to keep the base of your chin level with the surface. This technique will help balance most suitable head with the rest of your frame which in turn will maximize your fitness results.

* Coordination: Your Nordic walking technika take a bit of getting used too many new things not always, especially get their coordination right. We call it, that is the natural way “with leg and arm swing” walk through a lot of people never use the upper body. Keep your hands nice and relaxed and the more your team leader will forward the more you will see how the end of the stick that drives you forward. Practice makes perfect here!

* Longer is better: The benefits of fitness are optimized using a nordic walking technika technique completely relaxed, arm. Try not to bend your elbows too, you loose grip and lengthen your club (imagine that would reach out to shake hands with someone). It is very important that your movement is not only the shoulders and elbows.

* Do not rush: When you change your way be sure to take your time, no rush! After a while, techniques become second nature and you will be able to have fun without having to think too much. You can also walk with others buy local field join their Nordic Walking technika is fun too.

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Nordic walking technika

Via Top Fitness Exercises